The Reiki Place
Phosphora Homeopathy
Reiki and Biofield Tuning Treatments
Homeopathy & Flower Essences
Reiki Classes
Chakra Balancing
In-person in the Greater Chattanooga Area and online from anywhere
Energy Healing at The Reiki Place
For information about Reiki Classes click here
I offer an integrated approach to healing that combines several different healing modalities. Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing that balances mind, body and spirit. Biofield Tuning uses tuning forks to detect and release deep trauma in the mind and the energy field and Homeopathy is a comprehensive system of medicine that addresses physical as well as spiritual and emotional health issues.
What Can be Treated?
Here are just some of the conditions that can be treated using one or more of these modalities:
Stress, Anxiety, Depression and PTSD
Digestive issues such as nausea, bloating, IBS, diverticulitis etc.
Headaches and Migraines
Hypo and Hyper thyroid conditions such as Graves Disease and Hashimoto’s Disease
PMS, Menopause, Menstrual issues, fibroid, endomytriosis, etc.
Men’s health issues such as prostate health and erectile dysfunction
Autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Guillain-Barre etc.
Lyme disease
Autism, ADHD, PANS and PANDAS, seizures and epilepsy
Colds, Flu, Covid, Long Covid and Vaccination damage
Allergies and sensitivities (mold, pollen, nuts etc)
Sexually transmitted diseases
Heart conditions
Loss of will to live, suicidal disposition, addictions and self-harming tendencies
Varicose Veins
High blood pressure, heart health and high cholesterol
Eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, OCD and others
Schizophrenia, Multiple Personality disorder, bipolar disorder
Energy Medicine
Traditional medicine operates at the physical level, often compartmentalizing illness into things like kidney disease, women’s health issues, high blood pressure, heart conditions and so on. Energy medicine offers an approach that addresses the totality of symptoms in the context of you as an individual. It recognizes that you are not just a physical body and that you are not like everybody else. For example, digestive issues often reflect an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra and which can be associated not just with gut health but also with migraines. There are many things that can cause solar plexus imbalance and different people respond differently to external triggers. Some become anxious while others become angry. Thyroid issues are often associated with an inability to fully express yourself or a need to stifle your true feelings in order to avoid conflict and can be associated with a compromised immune system due to many factors. Heart and lung issues often reflect lack of self worth, giving too much to others or suppressing your feelings for someone or something. The details will be different for different individuals and that means the treatment will be different for different people and that’s where energy healing comes into its own. You are not like everybody else and your treatment plan should be uniquely tailored to your personal set of circumstances, symptoms and feelings. There is no generic prescription.
An approach to health that includes energy healing balances the chakras, integrates the different aspects of yourself including your physical body, your mental/emotional body, your astral body and your spiritual self. This ultimately leads not just to improved health but to an improved state of mind, a stronger immune system and the ability to sustain good health over a longer period of time.
While many people like to come in person for their healing treatments, it is completely possible to receive treatments at a distance. Using Zoom or other technologies, we can connect with each other and you can experience remote healing.
Energy medicine has been proven successful time and again in resolving cases where patients were told by their doctors that they don’t know what’s wrong, or they will need to take medications for the rest of their life. Because other practitioners are looking at you as a series of divided parts, they can sometimes miss the big picture.
When you book a session with me you can choose which modality you prefer or we can work together to figure out the best approach for you. I offer a free 15 minute consultation if you would like to talk first before booking an appointment.
Ask me a question, send me a message or book your free appointment here.
Reiki is an energy treatment you receive lying on a reiki table - similar to a massage table. It is safe and gentle and helps with depression, anxiety, trauma, sexual abuse, physical abuse, PTSD and feelings of being stuck or stifled. It helps to re-balance the chakras, clears stale energy, soothes and relaxes you. After a session people report being able to think more clearly, sleep better, and feel less anxious. When used regularly in a series of treatments, Reiki can help eliminate anxiety and depression and help people get clarity on how to improve their lives. Because Reiki works more slowly than other modalities it is not always effective with chronic physical conditions but it does help with certain types of pain, especially pain that is stress related like lower back pain, migraines headaches and so on. Reiki has also proven effective in easing the ill effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and speeding recovery following any form of surgery and is often used in hospitals for these reasons.
Homeopathy is a comprehensive system of medicine that has been in use across the world for over 200 years. Popular throughout Europe, India, and Africa, homeopathy is becoming more well known in the United States. Homeopathy can address most physical, mental and emotional issues. A homeopathy session consists of a two hour initial consultation followed by weekly or monthly follow-ups that can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. Continued use of homeopathy restores health, strengthens the immune system and peels away layers of illness that might have been accumulating since birth. Homeopathic treatment releases the toxic build up of antibiotics, cortisones, steroids, vaccinations, hormone treatments (including the contraceptive pill) and any other suppressive treatments that addressed symptoms without removing the cause of the illness - such as surgeries to remove parts that weren’t functioning properly. During a homeopathy consult there can be moments of realization that are cathartic. Following treatment people can experience life-changing shifts not just in physical health but also shifts in perspective that help them put their life on a more satisfying and stable course. Many medically trained doctors across the world have entered the homeopathy profession after being disillusioned with results from traditional practices and witnessing the results of homeopathy in their and their families’ lives. Chronic or ongoing conditions require an initial 2 hour consultation followed by shorter follow-up sessions. Acute conditions such as coughs, colds and flu can be treated more easily with a short consult and free follow ups for 2 weeks. See my services and prices for more information.
Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning is vibrational sound therapy that uses tuning forks to locate and release energy blocks. Energy blocks are static in the energy field that impede the flow of energy around your body and represent trauma, distress, stress, anxiety and illness that has occurred throughout your life. You receive a treatment lying on a Reiki table. A Biofield Tuning session is interactive - we discuss the feelings being detected and released in your energy and this itself can be therapeutic for identifying and releasing deep trauma. After a Biofield Tuning treatment, clients report feelings of lightness, increased energy, release of trauma and improved clarity. A Biofield Tuning session can bring up aha moments and realizations about your life and your response to it that can be helpful and healing. Some people just need one session and other people choose to do multiple sessions.
Flower Essences
Flower essences are remedies made from flowers, including fruit blossoms, tree and shrub blossoms and flowering plants. Edward Bach, a medical doctor and homeopath, explored the healing power in flowers and developed 38 flower remedies which he introduced into the healing arena in the early 1900s. After his death in 1936, many more flower remedies were introduced and today there are many to choose from. Each flower essence has a unique signature that can help us with one or more aspects of our spiritual or mental development. Flower essences can be taken alone or combined with other flower essences to develop an individualized treatment plan addressing all the things you would like to improve within yourself. As a consequence they can promote self-improvement, self-development, spiritual development and sometimes physical healing. Flower essences are very gentle and rarely provide aggravations or a healing crisis (see below).
Spiritual Counseling and Mentorship
Sometimes nothing specific is really wrong but you feel out of sorts, stuck, unbalanced or unclear about the direction your life is going in. At this time it can be helpful to have someone to talk to who understands what you are going through. Spiritual counseling is different from therapy. Spiritual counseling or mentorship is appropriate for people who are having a spiritual crisis. Maybe they have abandoned their religion or experience a kundalini awakening or an opening of their psychic powers. This can be disorienting and confusing. Or sometimes people just have questions about how things work in the realm of metaphysics. If this description fits what you are feeling, you might benefit from a session or two where we just sit and talk and you get to ask your questions.
I am also willing to mentor you if you are trying to start a healing practice and don’t know where to start or have specific questions.
Please note:
All of my services can be done remotely or in-person. For remote sessions I will send you a Zoom link or you may request another way to connect. For in-person sessions I work from my home in Ooltewah TN. I have a clean, comfortable and professional workspace including a Reiki classroom, a Reiki treatment room and a consultation space for Homeopathy as well as the ability to connect with you online. You won’t see my address listed on Google because it is a private residence but please do check out my Google reviews and my reviews on Heal.me
Next Event (attend online or in-person)
Feb 2nd Great Light Rising Talk Circle
About The Reiki Place

The Reiki Place is owned and operated by Mary Fielder
Mary is a Reiki Master and teaches Karuna Reiki® Holy Fire® Reiki and Divine Light Reiki. Mary holds an Advanced Diploma in Classical Homeopathy and is Registered with the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
®Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William Lee Rand